For those who would like to participate on the field, please complete process described in the the following document:
PGSL - Coach Certification Instructions - January 2024 (background check, training and certification)
PGSL - Coaching Expectations - 8-2023 (please read)
PGSL - Coaching Certification Form (complete after certification and fingerprinting)
First, Welcome! We have new families and players who join all the time and your question is not uncommon. Once registered, your daughter will need the following:
- Glove
- Rubber cleats (soccer cleats, OK)
- Protective face mask
- Softball pants (coach will let you know what color)
- Sunglasses
- Water to stay hydrated
League registration pays for a team jersey and photos.
We also encourage but don't require, your child to have her own ASA-approved helmet and/or bat.
If you would like to request your player to play up or play down, please fill out this questionnaire. All requests will go to the PGSL Board for review, and parents/guardians will be notified of next steps and decisions. Please review the below PGSL Playing Up & Down Policy.
Pacifica Girls Softball League has NEVER refused a player without the financial resources to play softball. Your donations support our mission to foster a love of the game, offer quality instruction and make softball accessible to all girls in our community. If interested in applying for a scholarship, please complete the PGSL Scholarship Online Application Form.